
Are you looking for a partner who meets all the precision and quality requirements of medical products? We are a trusted supplier of complex metal and hybrid parts for the medical sector.

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EMC shielding, antennas or electronic parts for headsets? We design and produce custom metal parts that live up to the industry’s demand for small tolerances and quality documentation.

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Stansning af komplekse metalkomponenter

Stansning af komplicerede metalemner til krævende industrier

 en strategisk samarbejdspartner med et højt teknisk niveau og  holistiskproduktudvikling og løsninger, der rækker ud over teknikken

Video: Stamping of complex components

Stamping parts with tight tolerances

At Stansomatic, we are a team of experts who all share the same passion: innovative and complex stamping solutions. Choose Stansomatic as your single-source supplier. From development, tool design and tool manufacturing to production, packaging and delivery.

Metal stamping company

Precision stamping and injection moulding solutions

Do you need precise components with tight tolerances, allowing no room for error? Metal stamping is fast production of complex parts – zero error production, tight tolerances and less wastage.

Stansomatic has over 50 years of experience stamping precise parts for large manufacturers of equipment for the medical, electronic, automotive and energy sectors.  Our metal stamping parts are characterized by high precision, traceability and full documentation.

Our products are often hidden from sight, but they play an important role in our customers’ final product. We produce components for car antennas, hearing aids, mobile phones, razor blades, thermostats, headsets, microphones, remote controls, car engines, windmills and many other products.

As a single-source partner, we are involved in optimizing your part design and price to reduce your time to market and manufacturing costs. Everything is done in-house, and we offer additional services to complement our core technologies and precision stamping. Products made with design for manufacturing (DFM) have a lower production cost and a faster approval process.

The key to a competitive product is to integrate production know-how early in the design phase. That is why we suggest that you consult us for any product development projects. We know that customers have specific needs and our experience shows us that if a design is optimized to fit the manufacturing processes, the lower the part price will be.

Read more about precision stamping here
Små metalemner på blåt transportbånd


Case: Medical parts for electrosurgical devices

A customer needed contacts and electrodes for some of their advanced electrosurgical devices.

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3 værktøjsmagere arbejder med stanseværktøjer i værktøjsafdelingen

How Often Should Stamping Tools Be Inspected?

The frequency of stamping tool inspection varies based on a combination of factors.

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Stansomatic Earns Silver Medal for Sustainability Performance

This result marks another 4-point increase from our last assessment in 2023.

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Profilbillede af administrerende direktør Søren Bahnsen med briller i blå Stansomatic skjorte

Talk to an expert

Do you have an important development project ahead of you? As your strategic partner, we can assist you throughout the entire process: from the initial process planning to prototype, all the way to the production of the finished product.